Daniel D Snow
- Nebraska Water Center - Research Associate Professor, Director of Laboratory Services
- Great Plains IDeA-CTR - Member
Person: Member, Academic, Administrator
Malachy Campbell
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Animal Science
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Cornell University
External person
Balpreet K. Dhatt
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Feiyu Zhu
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
External person
Paul Staswick
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Tian Gao
- Systems Biology and Biomedical Informatics (SBBI) Laboratory
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Kevin Begcy
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Kan Liu
- University of Nebraska
- Cornell University
- Department of School of Biological Sciences
- School of Biological Sciences
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Institute of Genomic Diversity
- School of Biological Sciences
External person
Natasha Pavlovikj
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Sairam Behera
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science
- Computer Science Department
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Computer Science
- Baylor College of Medicine
External person
Yu Pan
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln
External person
Jing J. Folsom
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Mehdi Momen
- Department of Animal Science
- Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
External person
Qian Du
- University of Nebraska
- Department of School of Biological Sciences
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- School of Biological Sciences
External person
Pamela Ronald
- University of California
- University of California Davis
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Joint BioEnergy Institute, California
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Maria Arlene Adviento-Borbe
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Delta Water Management Research Unit
External person
Aaron J. Schmitz
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
P. Stephen Baenziger
- Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Univ. of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Dep. of Agronomy and Hortic
- Department of Agronomy
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Agronomy
- University of NE-Lincoln
External person
Suresh Thapa
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Biological Systems Engineering
External person
Dante F. Placido
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Ki Hong Jung
- Joint BioEnergy Institute, California
- Kyung Hee University
- University of California at Davis
External person
Avi C. Knecht
- University of Nebraska
- Holland Computing Center
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Scott E. Sattler
- Michigan State University
- University of Nebraska
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Wheat
- USDA-ARS Grain, Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit
- Grain, Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit
- Stored Product Insect and Engineering Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Patrick Canlas
- University of California
- University of California Davis
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Thomas E. Clemente
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Stored Product Insect and Engineering Research Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Plant Science Initiative
External person
Todd Richter
- University of California
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Guangchao Sun
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Plant Pathology
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
External person
Mu Li
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- School of Biological Sciences
External person
Xiaojuan Hao
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Statistics
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
C. T. Liew
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln
- Biological Systems Engineering
External person
Shirley Sato
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Vikas Kumar Singh
- IRRI-South Asia Regional Centre (IRRI-SARC)
- International Rice Research Institute
External person
Marvin Whiteley
- University of Iowa
- Department of Microbiology
- University of Texas at Austin
- Georgia Institute of Technology
External person
James C. Schnable
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Natalya Nersesian
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
K. S. Gill
- Washington State Univ.
- Washington State University Pullman
- University of Nebraska
- Dep. of Crop and Soil Sci
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Agronomy
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Adam P. Caprez
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Nebraska
- Holland Computing Center
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Rafael Massahiro Yassue
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Universidade de São Paulo
External person
Inga Krassovskaya
- Michigan State University
- Department of Plant Biology
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Rajeshwari Ramanan
- CSIR - Centre for Cellular Molecular Biology
- University of California at Davis
External person
Piyaporn Phansak
- Nakhon Phanom University
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska
- Division of Biology
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Nakhon Phanom University
External person
Chris J. Brien
- Phenomics and Bioinformatics Research Centre
- University of South Australia
External person
M. Shah
- COMSATS University Islamabad
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Agronomy
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Sandeep Sharma
- CSIR - Central Salt Marine Chemicals Research Institute
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Gautam Sarath
- Department of Agronomy
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Entomology
- Grain, Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit
- Grain, Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Grain, Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit
- Department of Entomology
- VBS Bldg.
- USDA-Agricultural Research Service
- U.S. Department of Agriculture-ARS
- Grain
- Wheat
- USDA-ARS Wheat
External person
Alexandre Grondin
- Université de Montpellier
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Université de Montpellier
External person
Jeffrey P. Mower
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Xia Xu
- University of California
- University of California Davis
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Haipeng Yu
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Animal Science
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Malachy Cambell
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Gerard R. Lazo
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Western Regional Research Center
External person
Alexander A.T. Johnson
- Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
- University of Melbourne
External person
S. F. Kianian
- University of California at Irvine
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service Cereal Disease Laboratory
- North Dakota State University
External person
Ittai Herrmann
- Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
External person
Mawsheng Chern
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Joint BioEnergy Institute, California
- University of California at Davis
External person
Diego Jarquin
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Florida
External person
Geng Bai
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln
- North Carolina State University
External person
Aaron J. Lorenz
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- University of Minnesota
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
Jianxin Sun
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Laura E. Bartley
- University of California
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Joint BioEnergy Institute, California
External person
Suat Irmak
- NOVA University Lisbon
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Biological Systems Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Biological Systems Engineering
- Pennsylvania State University
- Michigan State University
- Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln
External person
Henry T. Nguyen
- Texas Tech University
- University of Missouri
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
- Division of Plant Sciences
External person
Kevin Bogey
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
M. K. Walker-Simmons
- Washington State University Pullman
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Mohammad Mazharul Islam
- University of Nebraska
- Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Waseem Hussain
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Department of Animal Science
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- International Rice Research Institute
External person
Michael Miller
- Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Cornell University
External person
Boryana Stamova
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of California at Davis
External person