6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Justin R Birge, MD with the persons below:
Tabatha Holtz Matthias, DO
- General Medicine - Assistant Professor
- Hospitalists - Staff Physician
- Interprofessional Academy of Educators - Member
Person: Member, Academic, Clinician
Kristy J Carlson, PhD
- Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery - Instructor
- Interprofessional Academy of Educators - Member
Person: Member, Academic
Trevor C VanSchooneveld, MD
- Infectious Diseases - Assistant Professor
- Infectious Disease, Nebraska Medicine - Staff Physician
Person: Academic, Clinician
Kelly A Cawcutt, MD
- Infectious Diseases - Assistant Professor
- Infectious Disease, Nebraska Medicine - Staff Physician
Person: Academic, Clinician
Angela L Hewlett, MD
- Infectious Diseases - Associate Professor
- Epidemiology - Courtesy Assistant Professor
- Internal Medicine, Nebraska Medicine - Staff Physician
- Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation - Courtesy Associate Professor
- Global Center for Health Security - Member
Person: Member, Academic, Clinician
Mark Edmund Rupp, MD
- Infectious Diseases - Professor
- Pathology & Microbiology - Courtesy Professor
- Infectious Disease, Nebraska Medicine - Staff Physician
Person: Academic, Clinician