6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Nicole M Rodriguez, PhD with the persons below:
Tara Fahmie, PhD
- Munroe-Meyer Institute - Associate Professor
- Child Health Research Institute - Member
Person: Member, Academic
Brett R Kuhn, PhD
- Psychology - Associate Professor
- Great Plains IDeA-CTR - Member
- Pediatric Psychology - Special Associate Professor
Person: Member, Academic
Keith D Allen, PhD
- Psychology - Professor
- Pediatric Psychology - Children's Specialty Physicians
- Interprofessional Academy of Educators - Member
Person: Member, Academic, Clinician
Mark D Shriver, PhD
- Psychology - Professor, Associate Director of Education, Director, applied behavior Analysis Program
- Pediatric Psychology - Special Professor
Person: Academic, Administrator
Holly Jean Roberts, PhD
- Psychology - Associate Professor
- Pediatric Psychology - Special Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Rachel Valleley, PhD
- Psychology - Associate Professor, Associate Director Clinical Services & Outreach
- Pediatric Psychology - Special Associate Professor
Person: Academic, Clinician