A systematic review and network meta-analysis of bacterial and viral vaccines, administered at or near arrival at the feedlot, for control of bovine respiratory disease in beef cattle

A. M. O'connor, D. Hu, S. C. Totton, N. Scott, C. B. Winder, B. Wang, C. Wang, J. Glanville, H. Wood, B. White, R. Larson, C. Waldner, J. M. Sargeant

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

35 Scopus citations


Vaccination against putative causal organisms is a frequently used and preferred approach to controlling bovine respiratory disease complex (BRD) because it reduces the need for antibiotic use. Because approximately 90% of feedlots use and 90% of beef cattle receive vaccines in the USA, information about their comparative efficacy would be useful for selecting a vaccine. We conducted a systematic review and network meta-analysis of studies assessing the comparative efficacy of vaccines to control BRD when administered to beef cattle at or near their arrival at the feedlot. We searched MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, MEDLINE Daily Epub Ahead of Print, AGRICOLA, Cambridge Agricultural and Biological Index, Science Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science and hand-searched the conference proceedings of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and World Buiatrics Congress. We found 53 studies that reported BRD morbidity within 45 days of feedlot arrival. The largest connected network of studies, which involved 17 vaccine protocols from 14 studies, was included in the meta-analysis. Consistent with previous reviews, we found little compelling evidence that vaccines used at or near arrival at the feedlot reduce the incidence of BRD diagnosis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)143-162
Number of pages20
JournalAnimal health research reviews
Issue number2
StatePublished - Dec 1 2019


  • Bovine
  • meta-analysis
  • respiratory disease
  • systematic review
  • vaccination

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Animal Science and Zoology


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