Addition of Colchicine to Wheat Anther Culture Media to Increase Doubled Haploid Plant Production

W. Navarro‐Alvarez, P. S. Baenziger, K. M. Eskridge, M. Hugo, V. D. Gustafson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

50 Scopus citations


Chromosome doubling is critical for obtaining doubled‐haploid plants from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) anther culture. The most common doubling method applies colchicine to the plant. However, colchicine is phytotoxic and can induce a high frequency of plant death. In this experiment, anthers from two wheat genotypes (“Pavon 76” and ‘Centurk’) were placed on nine embryoid initiation media having three sugar sources (maltose, sucrose, and maltose + glucose) with three colchicine concentrations (0.0, 0.1, and 0.2 g · l‐1). Wheat starch was used as a gelling agent. After three days, the anthers were washed and moved to fresh media without colchicine. Increasing the colchicine concentration decreased the number of embryoids produced from 77.4 embryoids/100 anthers to 29.9 embryoids/100 anthers, but did not significantly affect the frequency of plant regeneration (0.49 green plants/embryoid to 0.40 green plants/embryoid), and increased the frequency of doubled‐haploid plants (19.0 doubled‐haploid plants/100 green plants to 72.3 doubled‐haploid plants/100 green plants). Considering the total number of doubled‐haploid plants produced, low levels of colchicine added to the initiation media were very effective.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)192-198
Number of pages7
JournalPlant Breeding
Issue number3
StatePublished - Apr 1994


  • Triticum aestivum
  • anther culture
  • colchicine
  • doubled haploids
  • genotype dependence
  • sugars
  • wheat starch

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Genetics
  • Plant Science


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