An evaluation of inactivated infectious coryza vaccines containing a double-emulsion adjuvant system.

P. J. Blackall, L. E. Eaves, D. G. Rogers, G. Firth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


The efficacy of experimental inactivated infectious coryza vaccines produced by a commercial vaccine manufacturer was evaluated. The vaccines, containing as the adjuvant phase either a double-emulsion mineral oil system or aluminum-hydroxide gel, were administered to 6-week-old chickens as a single dose. Some vaccines were a monovalent product containing a Page serovar C Haemophilus paragallinarum strain, and others were a bivalent product containing both Page serovar A and serovar C strains. After 3 weeks, all chickens were challenged by infraorbital sinus inoculation of virulent H. paragallinarum, either Page serovar C (strain HP31) or Page serovar A (strain HP14). The monovalent serovar C double-emulsion-based vaccines gave significant protection against a serovar C challenge, with the level of protection varying from 60% to 100%. The monovalent serovar C aluminum-hydroxide-gel vaccine also gave significant protection (94%) against a serovar C challenge. The bivalent double-emulsion vaccine gave significant protection against challenge from both serovars (100% for serovar C and 83% for serovar A). Although no major adverse reactions were detected, some chickens receiving both the double-emulsion vaccines and the aluminum-hydroxide vaccine developed relatively minor granulomatous reactions at the site of injection.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)632-636
Number of pages5
JournalAvian diseases
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1992

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Animals
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • General Immunology and Microbiology


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