Breaking the bamboo ceiling and de-bunking the model minority myth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Leadership roles must incorporate representation from all involved individuals for the resulting decision-making process to reflect the interests and expertise of a diverse organization. Many resources have rightly focused on developing historically underrepresented racial and ethnic (HURE) leaders. Though numbers of Black and Hispanic dental school deans have increased, more work is needed for these and other HURE groups such as American Indians. Asians are not classified as HURE. As an aggregated group they have robust presence in the dental workforce in North America, the United Kingdom and Australia. The assumption is they are fine, so the group is ignored. Previous research indicates Asians are almost invisible in leadership roles in dentistry, and while the “Glass Ceiling” phenomenon for women persists, Asian women face even greater obstacles to leadership. This paper explores cultural factors contributing to the “Bamboo Ceiling”, such as Confucian values emphasizing collectivism and deference to authority. It examines challenges faced by Asian women at the intersection of gender and race. The impact of the “Model Minority Myth” compounds these challenges, leading to overlooking diverse needs. The importance of dispelling these harmful myths is underscored. This paper provides strategies to combat them, urging proactive efforts from minorities and management. By shedding light on the “Bamboo Ceiling” and the “Model Minority Myth”, this paper aims to reassess existing norms, current policies and procedures pertaining to equitable representation and leadership opportunities for Asian women in academic dentistry, community oral health, research, and in dental corporations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)678-684
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of dental education
Issue numberS1
StatePublished - Apr 2024


  • Asian
  • cultural characteristics
  • leadership
  • minority groups
  • women

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • General Dentistry


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