Conjoint behavioral consultation: Promoting family-school connections and interventions

Susan M. Sheridan, Thomas R. Kratochwill

Research output: Book/ReportBook

252 Scopus citations


Conjoint behavioral consultation (CBC) strengthens collaboration between children's most critical learning environments - school and home - for improved academic, behavioral, and social-emotional skills. The reader-friendly, 2nd edition of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: Promoting Family-School Connections and Interventions offers innovative applications of CBC as an ecological, evidence-based approach. In this new edition, the authors combine best practices in consultation and problem-solving for interventions that promote and support children's potential, teachers' educational mission, and family members' unique strengths. Important features in this new edition include: · A step-by-step framework for developing and maintaining family/school partnerships takes readers from initial interviews through plan evaluation. · Chapters include discussion on core interpersonal skills, including building trust, managing conflict, and communicating effectively. · Practical strategies illustrate working with diverse families and school personnel, improving family competence, promoting joint responsibility, and achieving other collaborative goals. · Case studies demonstrate CBC as implemented in traditional school, Head Start, pediatric health, and response-to-intervention (RtI) contexts. · In-depth research review explains the efficacy of CBC. The progressive model of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation has a great deal to offer school psychologists, special educators and other school-based professionals as well as mental health practitioners. In addition, its accessibility makes this volume a suitable graduate text or training manual for those planning to work with children and families in these growing fields.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherSpringer US
Number of pages220
ISBN (Print)9780387712475
StatePublished - 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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