Contribution of tubuloglomerular feedback to renal arteriolar angiotensin II responsiveness

Hideki Ikenaga, Rachel W. Fallet, Pamela K. Carmines

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21 Scopus citations


The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that a component of the afferent arteriolar vasoconstrictor response to angiotensin II (Ang II) requires an intact tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) mechanism. Enalaprilat-treated male Sprague-Dawley rats served as tissue donors for study of renal microvascular function using the in vitro blood-perfused juxtamedullary nephron technique. Arteriolar lumen diameter responses to exogenous Ang II were determined before and after TGF blockade (papillectomy or 50 μM furosemide). Before TGF blockade, 10 nM Ang II significantly reduced diameters of both midafferent (53 ± 5%) and efferent (43 ± 9%) arterioles. TGF blockade did not alter baseline diameter of either arteriole, but significantly blunted the mid-afferent vasoconstriction evoked by 10 nM Ang II (44 ± 7% inhibition by papillectomy; 43 ± 10% inhibition by furosemide). Similar behavior was observed at afferent arteriolar sites near the glomerulus; however, efferent arteriolar Ang II responsiveness was not altered by papillectomy. The impact of TGF blockade on afferent arteriolar Ang II responsiveness was most prominent at high peptide concentrations (10 nM), while not significantly influencing the response to 1 nM Ang II. In contrast, the afferent vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine was unaffected by papillectomy. These data indicate that the vasoconstrictor influence of exogenous Ang II on afferent, but not efferent, arterioles of intact juxtamedullary nephrons includes both TGF-dependent and TGF-independent components.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)34-39
Number of pages6
JournalKidney International
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1996

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nephrology


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