Could Canada lead the formation of a new global geoengineering regime?

Elizabeth L. Chalecki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As the effects of climate change continue to worsen, nations will have the opportunity to develop and deploy climate manipulation techniques known as geoengineering to forestall the worst effects. Indeed, some have argued that the nations of the world cannot meet their Paris Agreement goals without them. However, these technologies can be global in their effects, ecologically uncertain, and potentially prejudicial to non-deploying nations. Canada is well suited to lead the formation of an anticipatory governance regime due to its technological knowledge, the proximity of the Arctic as a potential testing ground, and its role as an internationally respected middle power. By stepping forward to lead the effort, Canada can ensure its own security and environmental interests as well as the stability of the rules-based international order.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)328-336
Number of pages9
JournalCanadian Foreign Policy Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022


  • Geoengineering
  • climate change
  • foreign policy
  • global governance

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Political Science and International Relations


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