Diagnostic survey of bovine abortion with special reference to Neospora caninum infection: Importance, repeated abortion and concurrent infection in aborted fetuses in Southern Brazil

Luis G. Corbellini, Caroline A. Pescador, Fernanda Frantz, Elsio Wunder, David Steffen, David R. Smith, David Driemeier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


The protozoa Neospora caninum is an important cause of bovine abortion world-wide. The objective of this survey was to determine the distribution pattern of infectious abortion in Southern Brazil with special reference to N. caninum infection. A total of 161 bovine aborted fetuses from 149 farms were analysed during a 1.5 year period. The cause of abortion was identified in 51.5% of cases. Overall, 23% (37/161) of the fetuses were considered to be infected with N. caninum. Bacterial infection accounted for 17.4% (28/161) of cases, fungal infection for 3.1% (5/161) of cases and viral aetiology for 1.8% (3/161). Six fetuses had concurrent infection with N. caninum and Leptospira spp. Data from 111 fetuses and the respective aborted cows were analysed to investigate the association between previous abortion and current N. caninum infection. The prevalence of N. caninum-infected fetuses from cows with and without a history of previous abortion was 44% (11/25) and 24.4% (21/86), respectively. Cows aborting a N. caninum-infected fetuses were 2.4 times more likely to have aborted previously than cows aborting for other reasons (95% CI of odds ratio = 0.9-6.8, P = 0.06).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)114-120
Number of pages7
JournalVeterinary Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 2006


  • Bovine abortion
  • Diagnostic survey
  • Leptospira spp. infection
  • Neospora caninum
  • Repeated abortion

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • General Veterinary


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