Evidence-based and patient-centered care: Results from an STFM group project

Naomi L. Lacy, Elisabeth L. Backer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Objectives: This study's purpose was to identify the elements of a definition of evidence-based patient-centered care (EBPCC), the barriers to using EBPCC, and strategies for overcoming these barriers. Methods: This research project used focus group methodology with participants drawn from Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) members who attend STFM meetings and are interested in the integration of evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care. Forty-five self-selected STFM members-participants attended one of five total focus groups between September 2004 and May 2005. Focus groups were audiotaped. Data were transcribed and analyzed using an immersion crystallization style. Results: There was no single, consistent definition about what constitutes EBPCC. Several common themes arose, with the conceptual models of EBPCC varied across groups and individuals. The barriers to using EBPCC fell into eight categories. Participants listed substantially fewer solutions to barriers, which were not as easily categorized. Conclusions: This research is a beginning exploration of what constitutes EBPCC. Our findings suggest that, in this sample of educators, there is no current single, shared definition or model of what constitutes EBPCC. While the variation in models may be representative of differing understandings, styles, and philosophies of EBPCC, identification of barriers is consistent. Strategies for overcoming barriers are not well developed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)417-422
Number of pages6
JournalFamily Medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Family Practice


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