Genetic determinants of coxsackievirus B3 pathogenesis

Bruce M. McManus, Bobby Yanagawa, Nana Rezai, Honglin Luo, Lydia Taylor, Mary Zhang, Jane Yuan, Jonathan Buckley, Timothy Triche, George Schreiner, Decheng Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


The development of high throughput genomic and bioinformatic analysis tools, coupled with established molecular techniques, has allowed new insights into the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. In humans, coxasackievirus B3 (CVB3) is the primary etiological agent of viral myocarditis, an inflammatory disease process involving the heart muscle. Early host cellular survival and apoptotic mechanisms during viral infections, as well as immune events, affect myocarditis progression and outcome. Therefore, our laboratory has been keenly interested in infectomics, defined here as the transcriptional events of both virus and host. We first elucidated up- or downregulated transcriptional activities in CVB3-infected hearts by mRNA differential display. Further characterization of these regulated genes including Nip21, IP10, and IGTPase, and study of their role in CVB3-infection are underway. In further dissection of the stages of myocarditis - peak viremia, inflammatory infiltration and tissue repair - we used cDNA microarrays to probe differential gene expression in the myocardium following virus infection. Following virus infection, there are global decreases in metabolic and mitochondrial genes, increases in signaling genes and distinctive patterns in other functional groups. To establish early gene expression profiles in infected cells by themselves, we also used oligonucleotide arrays in an in vitro model of CVB3 infection. Notably, we have found increased expression of transcription factors c-fos and c-jun downstream of extracellular signal-related kinase, a pathway which is crucial for virus replication and pathogenesis. Our investigations based on gene profiling following CVB3 infection have thus far been fruitful in providing new experimental leads. High throughput genetic analysis has allowed us to simultaneously try on greater than 12,000 potential genetic "glass slippers." Our in vitro experimental plan has enabled us to chart prominent patterns of gene expression, analyzed by novel bioinformatic approaches, and to separate varied and potentially significant gene expression events.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)169-179
Number of pages11
JournalAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Coxsackievirus B3
  • Genetics
  • Genomic analysis
  • Infectomics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience
  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • History and Philosophy of Science


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