Influence of stimulus polarity on far-field auditory-evoked electrical responses in the chick.

H. M. Brown-Borg, M. M. Beck, T. A. Jones

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1 Scopus citations


The effects of inverting click phase on far-field peripheral and brainstem auditory-evoked responses (PBARs) were examined in 8 White Leghorn chicks of age 3 wks. Significant latency differences occurred in all major positive peaks (Pla, P2a peripheral; P3a central) in response to rarefaction vs condensation clicks of equal intensity, with condensation clicks producing the shortest latencies (latency differences: Pla = 0.374, P2a = 0.372 and P3a = 0.352 msec, p less than .001). The mean latency shift corresponds to an equivalent sine wave frequency of approximately 1360 c/s, a value close to the spectral peak energy of the click. No differences in interpeak latency values were found nor any significant amplitude effects.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)255-260
Number of pages6
JournalThe Journal of auditory research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 1986


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