Pathology teaching in different undergraduate medical curricula within and outside the United States: a pilot study

Kevin Carnevale, Ritcha Saxena, Geoffrey A. Talmon, Amy Lin, Osvaldo Padilla, Regina A. Kreisle

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Pathology education is taught using different curricula in the United States (USA) and abroad. We evaluate and compare the hours spent in different forms of pathology teaching such as lectures, team-based learning (TBL), problem-based learning (PBL), and other methods taught in general and systemic pathology amongst different medical schools within the USA and outside the USA. The total number of lecture hours taught in general and systemic pathology combined was greater in outside schools than within the USA (141 h vs 97.8 h, respectively). Three subjects in general pathology and six subjects in systemic pathology had a significantly greater lecture hours in outside medical schools. The greatest difference was the hours spent in labs were longer for both general and systems pathology in schools outside the USA. The overall utilization of PBL in general and systemic pathology teaching combined was much greater outside the USA compared to within the USA (average overall hours PBL – 97.2 outside vs 16.5 in the USA), however, the reverse was observed for using TBL (average overall hours TBL – 59.5 outside vs 84.5 in USA). Average hours used with other methods of teaching was also greater in outside medical schools compared to USA medical schools (80.8 h vs 44 h, respectively). Pathology teaching in both general and systemic pathology has more extensive lecture hours, laboratory hours, PBL, and other methods of teaching pathology in outside medical schools with different curricula than USA medical schools. TBL is utilized more extensively in USA medical schools.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100102
JournalAcademic Pathology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2024


  • General pathology
  • Integrated curricula
  • Semi-integrated curricula
  • Systemic pathology
  • Traditional curricula

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pathology and Forensic Medicine


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