Patient-Reported Nasal Function and Appearance After Interpolation Flap Repair Following Skin Cancer Resection: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study

Surya A. Veerabagu, Allison M. Perz, Tess M. Lukowiak, Michael P. Lee, Donald Neal, Leora Aizman, Christopher J. Miller, Nicholas Golda, John G. Albertini, David Chen, Anna Bar, Justin Leitenberger, Ian A. Maher, Joseph F. Sobanko, Tyler Hollmig, Sumaira Aasi, Adam Sutton, H. William Higgins, Thuzar M. Shin, Christine WeinbergerAdam Mattox, Ashley Wysong, Shannon T. Nugent, Jeremy R. Etzkorn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Objective: Among patients undergoing two-stage interpolated flap repair of nasal defects, nasal function, and appearance before surgery and at 16 weeks after flap takedown were compared using the Nasal Appearance and Function Evaluation Questionnaire (NAFEQ). Design: Multicenter prospective cohort study. Methods: Adult patients with a nasal skin cancer anticipated to require two-stage interpolation flap repair completed the NAFEQ before surgery, at 1 week after flap placement, 4 weeks after flap takedown, and 16 weeks after flap takedown. Results: One hundred sixty-nine patients were enrolled, with 138 patients completing both presurgical and 16-week post-takedown NAFEQs. Overall NAFEQ score increased by 1.09 points (1.91% improvement, confidence interval [95% CI -0.34 to 2.53]). NAFEQ functional subscale increased by 0.72 points (2.58% increase; 95% CI [0.10-1.35]) and appearance subscale increased by 0.37 points (1.28% improvement, 95% CI [-0.65 to 1.39]). Conclusion: At 16 weeks after flap takedown, patients' perceptions of their nasal function and appearance are similar to or slightly improved when compared with their presurgical assessments.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)113-118
Number of pages6
JournalFacial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 1 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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