Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of transition metal dicyanamide complexes coordinated with pyridyl nitronyl nitroxides

Q. H. Zhao, D. Y. Tang, L. Du, R. B. Fang

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2 Scopus citations


Two novel complexes Ni(NITpPy)2[N(CN)2]2 • 2H2O (I) and Zn(NITpPy)2[N(CN)2] 2 • 2H2O (II) (NITpPy = 2-(p-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5- tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) were synthesized and characterized by infrared spectra, elemental analyses, and UV-Vis techniques. The crystal structures of both complexes have been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Both complexes are of centrosymmetric distorted octahedral co-ordination geometry in which metal ions are bound to two dicyanamide anions, two water molecules, and two radicals through the nitrogen atom of pyridine rings and show one-dimensional chain structure via hydrogen bonds. The magnetic properties of complexes I and II were investigated in the temperature range 5-300 K and discussed in detail. The two compounds exhibit weak intermolecular antiferromagnetic interaction. In complex II, the diamagnetic metal zinc just plays the role of a bridge.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)749-754
Number of pages6
JournalRussian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2007
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering


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