The diagnostic utility of a genetics evaluation in children with pervasive developmental disorders

Omar A. Abdul-Rahman, Louanne Hudgins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Purpose: A genetics evaluation of children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) identifies a diagnosis in 6% to 15% of cases. However, previous studies have not measured the incidence of genetic disorders among children with autistic-like features who do not necessarily meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria for PDD. Methods: We identified 101 patients at our institution referred for PDD, autism, Asperger syndrome, or autistic features. Seventy-eight were males and 23 were females, giving a male-to-female ratio of 3.4:1. No diagnosis was identified on examination alone, although Rett syndrome was suspected in six females. Seventeen patients did not undergo any type of testing because of noncompliance. Results: Of the remaining 84 patients analyzed, seven (8.3%) were found to have abnormalities on testing. Three chromosomal anomalies were found: one with 5p duplication, one with low-level mosaicism for trisomy 21, and one with an unbalanced 10;22 translocation. Three females were diagnosed with Rett syndrome after MECP2 analysis identified a disease-causing mutation. The remaining patient was found to have an elevated urine orotic acid, with a normal ammonia level, of unknown significance. Conclusion: On the basis of our series, the yield of a genetics evaluation in patients with features of PDD who do not necessarily meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria is 8.3%. Approximately half of these were the result of a chromosomal abnormality. Three cases of Rett syndrome were identified for which autistic behaviors are a well-described feature. These findings suggest that a high-resolution karyotype provides the greatest diagnostic yield for patients with autistic-like features. MECP2 analysis should be considered for females who present with autistic behaviors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)50-54
Number of pages5
JournalGenetics in Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • Autism
  • Autistic features
  • Chromosomal abnormalities
  • Pervasive developmental disorder
  • Rett syndrome

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics(clinical)


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