The Interaction of NF-κB Transcription Factor with Centromeric Chromatin

Shaun Filliaux, Chloe Bertelsen, Hannah Baughman, Elizabeth Komives, Yuri Lyubchenko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Centromeric chromatin is a subset of chromatin structure and governs chromosome segregation. The centromere is composed of both CENP-A nucleosomes (CENP-Anuc) and H3 nucleosomes (H3nuc) and is enriched with alpha-satellite (α-sat) DNA repeats. These CENP-Anuc have a different structure than H3nuc, decreasing the base pairs (bp) of wrapped DNA from 147 bp for H3nuc to 121 bp for CENP-Anuc. All these factors can contribute to centromere function. We investigated the interaction of H3nuc and CENP-Anuc with NF-κB, a crucial transcription factor in regulating immune response and inflammation. We utilized atomic force microscopy (AFM) to characterize complexes of both types of nucleosomes with NF-κB. We found that NF-κB unravels H3nuc, removing more than 20 bp of DNA, and that NF-κB binds to the nucleosomal core. Similar results were obtained for the truncated variant of NF-κB comprised only of the Rel homology domain and missing the transcription activation domain (TAD), suggesting that RelATAD is not critical in unraveling H3nuc. By contrast, NF-κB did not bind to or unravel CENP-Anuc. These findings with different affinities for two types of nucleosomes to NF-κB may have implications for understanding the mechanisms of gene expression in bulk and centromere chromatin.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)5803-5813
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry B
Issue number24
StatePublished - Jun 20 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films
  • Materials Chemistry


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