The Tolman length: Is it positive or negative?

Yi An Lei, Tikhon Bykov, Soohaeng Yoo, Xiao Cheng Zeng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

113 Scopus citations


By means of a large-scale molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the Tolman length, although positive, is much smaller in magnitude than previously reported. We found that the range of interparticle interaction can significantly affect the magnitude of the Tolman length. When the range of interaction is longer than five molecular diameters, the Tolman length is on the order of a few hundredths of the molecular diameter, rather than a few tenths known previously.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)15346-15347
Number of pages2
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number44
StatePublished - Nov 9 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Catalysis
  • General Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Colloid and Surface Chemistry


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